Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hexagon Update

I took stock of my hexagon quilt a few days ago, after I recieved some more charm packs to add to it (Just Wing It, Le Petit Poulet, Modern Workshop, Buttercup, La Petite Ecole, and Whimsy), not to mention a jelly roll of Momo's Wonderland.

I sat myself down, watched some "Dawn of the Dead" (the 2004 remake, seriously an awesome movie) and counted basted hexagons. I separated them into bags of 100, and counted 1100 basted hexagons, with some left over (approximately 30, soon joined by twenty more that I basted).

So my current count is this:

504 Hexies basted
1150 (approx) basted but not attached
600 (approx) 2.5" squares ready to be basted

That's 2254 hexagons (at least). For the time being, I've decided to cool down my ordering of more charm packs (and fabric in general). I need more time to baste together the ones I've got on my "plate" already - in the beginning, the piecing of hexies into larger parts was easy, because I had them all finished. Now, I'm spending all of my time basting...which means the piecing has to take a backseat.

My goal? To finish all the hexies within a month, and then piece together another 504 part hexie piece, and attach it to my current one. Then do the same for two more, and piece those together to create a basis for the quilt with 1016 pieces. After that, I'll sew on to those edges.

Off to baste hexagons now! Later days!

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