Wednesday, February 2, 2011

i've got my heart set on anywhere but here

Today is one of those days.
A day where you wake up thinking you've got a half day, but end up working all day.
Because your team member, who is always sick,
happens to be sick again.
When your older brother needs a ride, and "five minutes to get a shower",
that, obviously, takes thirty minutes plus the twenty there and back.
And you hit every red light from Here to There.
Where taking deliveries annoys you -
but you do it anyway -
and then sit outside for twenty minutes -
and they never show up.
(you have to go back later).
And you hit every red light from Here to There.
Where the prospect of picking up your brother to bring him to work annoys you,
and the prospect of taking him home even more so,
and you wonder why, at 23, you have to act the parent.
To a 17 year old whose infectious laugh and sweet personality means you can't say no.
(Even though you're sure you'll hit EVERY red light, from Here to There to Home).
And your boyfriend, whom you invited to watch a movie, will have to wait until Nine,
when you're sure to be Home,
to watch that movie.
(Even though -you- had to ask -him-, and for some reason that agitates you.)
And there's all this delicious fabric sitting in your backpack you can't Touch,
and hexagons you can't Baste,
and The Thing to be watched but you're Working and that's Bad.
Where the assistant who helps you isn't happy about the prospect of coming back a five,
and gave you a look that Told You So,
and is undoubtably going to be late, because she always is.

It's one of those days where you go "ugh"!

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